What Athletes Can Expect When Undergoing Physiotherapy for Scoliosis

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Stay Healthy, Live a Long Time

Hello! My name is Tony and this is my new blog. I decided to start this blog while I was in the hospital recovering from an operation I had to have to remove a tumour from my body. My story had started a few months beforehand when I developed a cough which I couldn't get rid of. I had some test and the doctors discovered I had a tumour in my chest. I will be the first to admit that I haven't been as good as I could have been in terms of looking after my own health. However, since being diagnosed, I have been learning all I can about how to stay healthy.


What Athletes Can Expect When Undergoing Physiotherapy for Scoliosis

22 May 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Physiotherapy is a useful treatment option for scoliosis. Scoliosis is a condition where the spine has a curvature that's more extensive than normal. The spinal cord typically curves slightly as it runs along your back, but patients with scoliosis have a curvature that almost resembles an "S" or a "C" shape.

Athletes who have scoliosis may be particularly limited by their condition. Chronic back pain, fatigue from maintaining an upright position, and uneven shoulders may all hinder your ability to perform while on the field. Luckily, physiotherapy (particularly massage therapy) is an effective treatment option for scoliosis. The soft tissues along your back (and other affected areas) can be massaged to ease tension and encourage the smooth flow of blood.

But before undergoing such therapy, it's important to know what you can expect. Here's what will typically happen when undergoing physio for scoliosis.

It starts with X-ray imaging

Your therapist will begin by taking an X-ray (or by examining X-ray results) of the extent of curvature along your back. This will enable them to identify areas that will need tissue adjustment and stress relief. A targeted treatment plan will keep you as fit as possible on and off the field.

Light massages along the back

Using an appropriate lubricant, your massage therapist will proceed to gently ease the tissues through a strategic application. The lubricant warms up your tissues in preparation for massaging. Your therapist will then begin with light and firm strokes from the bottom towards the top of your back region.

These strokes are designed to encourage blood to flow to affected areas, along with easing stiffness in the muscles.

Knuckle massages on the lower back region

For athletes with scoliosis, the lower back region may be particularly problematic to deal with. Massage therapy can be used to ease lower back pain through the use of a knuckle massage. This technique involves moving the knuckles in a circular manner along your lower back.

The palm is also used to gently stroke your muscles and relieve discomfort. With dedicated massages on the low back region, you can remain more active while playing your preferred sport.

Relief of symptoms with timely treatment

In addition to the specific types of treatment that you can expect, the proper timing of such treatment is also important. Athletes with scoliosis can expect regularly scheduled massage sessions that they should attend without fail. Missing sessions may result in the recurrence of various symptoms. 

Visit a physiotherapy clinic today to learn more.